The IBSA’s Competitions

Let us take a closer look to the competitions that took place in order for you to grasp the impact of the IBSA’s World Games! We have listed all the four competitions that took place already in order to paint you the best picture of the enthusiasm generated by these events. You will be able to have a quick look at every aspect of the World Games’ preparation. We will also discuss the actual events for each edition. We will share with you the most striking moments, in order not only to raise your interest in the subject, but also to push you to attend those events, and realize the impact it has on blind athletes worldwide.
IBSA World Games first edition: Madrid, Spain
This first edition of the IBSA World Games in Madrid took place in 1998. As you may imagine, this first round of worldwide competition did not enjoy as much coverage, as it was the first attempt to bring awareness to such a humbling cause. The competition included three Paralympic sports: five-a-side football, Goalball and Judo. This first IBSA World Games were such a success that the federation decided to pursue with a second edition across the Atlantic Ocean!
IBSA World Games second edition: Quebec, Canada
Canada is where all the IBSA registered athletes met in 2003. The Canadian edition was a significant upgrade from the first edition. On top of the Paralympic sports, such as five-a-side football, Goalball and Judo, other disciplines have been added to the event. Blind athletes were able to compete in the following sports: Powerlifting, Ten-pin and nine-pin bowling, Biathlon Alpine skiing, Archery, Showdown Swimming, Shooting, Torball Nordic skiing, Athletics and Cycling. The event was a success and ultimately launched the IBSA World Games to live up to the same standards as the Olympics!
IBSA World Games third and fourth edition: Antalya, Turkey/Seoul, South Korea
In the aftermath of the second IBSA World Games edition in Quebec, Canada, the IBSA World Games were finally granted the coverage and the respect it deserved. The federation moved forward with a this edition that took place in Antalya, Turkey, and a fourth one in Seoul, South Korea. The federation went ahead and added a few more sports disciplines for the Seoul edition of the IBSA World Games. The competition has been extended in 2015 in order to allow the other competitions to take place. The addition included: Powerlifting, Chess, Tenpin Bowling, Tandem Cycling, and Showdown. The location for the next IBSA World Games edition for 2019 has not been decided upon yet! However, it is still in the cards with more disciplines to be added to the championships!